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Rinco in the Yellow Tulip ⇑ top
Rinco in the tavern (human_base_0015) never changes his name when you talk to him and always stays description_human_male (A man. / Мужчина). However Rinco in the caves (human_base_0011) changes the name from description_shopkeeper (A shopkeeper. / Торговец) to description_rinco (Rinco. / Ринко).This seems to be a script bug/omission for human_base_0015 since he clearly tells you his name in the first conversation.
Polsius in the Yellow Tulip ⇑ top
Polsius in the prison (goblin_base_0009) correctly changes his name from description_goblin to description_polsius. Polsius in the tavern is supposed to have description_polsius but ends up with description_goblin instead.This is due to a script bug - the instance override script sets description_polsius in the 'on init' event while the base class script sets description_goblin in the 'on initend'. The events are always executed in the following order:
Tizzy in the Yellow Tulip ⇑ top
Tizzy (human_base_0097) initially has description_human_female (A woman. / Женщина) but when first talking to her her name gets changed to description_tizzy (Bartender. / Бармен).This seems to work as intended even if it does not include the actual name.
Greu in the Big Collapse ⇑ top
Greu (troll_base_0008) never changes his name from description_troll. There is a localization string description_troll_greu, but no script references it.Tafiok in the City of Arx ⇑ top
Tafiok in the city (human_base_0023) never changes his name from description_shopkeeper. There is a localization string description_tafiok, but it is only used for the map marker.Maria in the City of Arx ⇑ top
Maria (human_base_0095) never changes her name from description_human_female. There is a localization string description_maria, but it is only used for the map marker.Recet or Retset (did not find it on the wiki) in the Rebel Camp ⇑ top
Not sure who that is. If you write the russian name maybe I can find it.Really delete this comment?
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Right before him.