Arx Libertatis Bug Tracker
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OPEN  Bug report #1786  -  Guards Kill on Sight After Shany Quest Completion
Posted Aug 10, 2024 - updated Aug 22, 2024   Shortlink:
Issue details
  • Type of issue
    Bug report
  • Status
  • Assigned to
    Not assigned to anyone
  • Type of bug
    Not triaged
  • Likelihood
    Not triaged
  • Effect
    Not triaged
  • Posted by
     Guest user
  • Owned by
    Not owned by anyone
  • Estimated time
    Not estimated
  • Category
    Not determined
  • Resolution
    Not determined
  • Priority
    Not determined
  • Reproducability
  • Severity
    Not determined
  • Targetted for
    icon_milestones.png Not determined
  • OS
    icon_customdatatype.png Not determined
  • Architecture
    icon_customdatatype.png Not determined
  • Fixed in
    icon_customdatatype.png Not determined
Issue description
After speaking with Shany's mother to complete the quest, she will run in circles and call for the guards and you are now kill on sight by all guards and the King. Sometimes you can hear Shany cry out for help just like she did with the cultists. I tried to restore to a previous save before completion and they were not kill on sight just prior to triggering the guards. It would seem that the state Shany is in when she is with the cultists lasts after she is saved that triggers the guard.
Steps to reproduce this issue
Nothing entered.

Comment posted by
 Daniel Scharrer
Aug 22, 17:33
Can you please attach your save file from before and/or just after this happened.