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May 19, 22:32 - Preceeded by 218a5f99e55ea21ddfab0db6edde6397d998dad0
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Clear SecondaryInventory on entity destruction Fixes a crash when trying to search a dead NPC. See: issue #843 Changed files
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May 19, 22:32 - Preceeded by f983d5698e22234f0b470a3eaec2e852a9238927
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Windows: Fix platform::WideString::toUTF8() Oops. See: issue #843 Changed files
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Did Arx Libertatis work previously for you with the same data files? If so, which version?
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As for the script variable errors, I don't think there is anything we can do here without having access to the scripts in question. If they come from and official Arx Fatalis distribution, please let us know so that we can add support for that variant.
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