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Apr 24, 16:26 - Preceeded by d38aca108579738bb34dca32c44c340c68090f9f
Log entry
arx-install-data: Add checksums for Russian CD version See: issue #991 Changed files
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Most likely there is nothing wrong with your data and we just haven't come across that version of the game yet. Your data.pak and speech.pak do not match the Russian version on steam, but other localized CD versions also have different variants in some cases. Your loc.pak matches the one from the 1.21 patch -- the installer just looked for the English version because it could not detect the language due to the unknown speech.pak.
Be sure to report any problems you find while playing and have a look at your arx.log file -- if there are any warnings or errors (lines starting with W or E), let us know. You can find arx.log in the dir(http://wiki.arx-libertatis.org/Data_directories#Default_directories): %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Games\Arx Libertatis on Windows XP and %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Arx Libertatis on later Windows versions.
Also let us know if everything works fine (after you played for a bit) so that we can get the checksums from you data.pak and speech.pak added to the installer.
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Daniel Scharrer wrote:
Thanks for the reply
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Can you (or anyone else with data file errors) please copy the files from this zip into your arx directory (where data.pak) is located, run the manifest.bat script and then attach the three generated .manifest.txt files.
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Daniel Scharrer wrote:
Yes, I can do it
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To be honest, I didn't understand what exact arx directory you meant - original game or Libertatis - so I did both of them.
Here are manifest files of Arx Fatalis:
and of Arx Libertatis:
Hope these will help
P.S: By the way, I finished the game already. The only two bugs I encountered during the rest of walkthrough were that sometimes in certain areas(for example in goblin kingdom and third level of the crypt) the game was blinking black when walking; and the second one is during the final fight with Akbaa it often entered the "throwing tentacle" mode, but it just do the animation and don't moving and ends its attack, and even after being hit he still stay in one place and don't do anything, constantly being in idle animation and covered in teal color.
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Guest user wrote:
Oh, I didn't consider that the directory would not be writable for a normal user.
Perfect. Either one would have been enough as the data files are the same.
For data.pak the difference is small, just a couple of backgrounds are different compared to the Steam version:
For speech.pak there are more differences but those are just voiceover files - nothing that should change the game.
Huh, that's weird.
Hm, blue coloration on entities could indicate that the entity scripts were disabled because something went wrong with them.
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Daniel Scharrer wrote:
I myself think that it has something to do with geometry and the way it handles player's movement and orientation. I also now remember that in one particular spot in the third level of the crypts(somewhere in the big hall with coffins) the everything would be in full pitchblack until you move from this spot.
It wasn't blue, it was teal
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Jump to 0:23 to pass my attempts to find that particular spot.
As you can see, in this spot(and other spot somewhere in the goblin kingdom) the player is able to see only certain elements of the geometry and effects.
One small question: should I create another thread for discussing this particular problem?
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That thread is enough to collect info on this, no new bug report needed.
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Daniel Scharrer wrote:
Oh, ok then